Sex, Intimacy

& Relationship

Feeling connected, secure,

and free are skills you can learn.

  • Unwind Tension & Trauma

  • Cultivate Sexual Vitality

  • Build Meaningful + Resilient Relationships

Personal Coaching + Education

for Men, Women, Couples & Groups


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I want to help you experience more soul-nourishing connection, pleasure and kindness in your life.

I know this is possible for you, and I have developed some tried and tested approaches to get you there.

As a Holistic Sex & Intimacy Coach, I help people just like you do the inner work that makes profound connection and dynamic sensual aliveness possible in day to day life.

Sexual Vitality is what gives our lives spark and passion.
Warm, loving connections are what give our lives meaning.
Both are part of our natural birthright.

If past trauma,
religious programming,
being with partners that aren’t right for you,
or a stressful lifestyle
have gotten in the way
of your natural ability
to enjoy pleasure and connection,
I can help.
— Robyn Lynn

Whole Person Approach

Because you are a whole person—

not just a mind, not just a body, not just a spirit—

I work on three levels:

  • Somatic - working with your physical body to help you listen more deeply to it and to "tend and befriend” your body as a valuable ally and source of joy in your life.

  • Psychological - supporting you to re-pattern the effects of events in your life history that are getting in the way of you experiencing the connection, sex, and intimacy that you seek

  • Spiritual - supporting you to deepen your self-awareness, and to attune to the subtle messages and cues from your spirit and heart that can lead you toward intimacy with your own spirit and soul.